Cancellation / Re-Book / Refund Policy

Any refund will be assessed a $40 fee for processing

Cancelation by Potomac Boat Rentals LLC due to a vessel being out of service or weather deemed too hazardous or severe for operations by management of Potomac Boat Rentals LLC. such as; “small craft conditions” or more severe weather all day.  A local forecast of possible or scattered thunderstorms does not in itself constitute too hazardous for operations. We will re-book on a different date not refund.

Cancelation by Renter  We require notice 72 hours prior to scheduled rental and you can re-book for a different date if available.  Less than 72 hours no refund unless we are able to book another rental for that full period and then there will be a $40 refund fee.  If we are unable to rent for that rental period there will be no refund.

Note:  Weather conditions are determined using NOAA and USCG weather information as well as other reliable sources to determine the conditions for the rental period.  Scattered showers or scattered or possible passing storms are not necessarily considered conditions that constitute a need for re-booking or cancelation.

Should a passing shower or storm come up during your rental period we suggest you remain anchored (check your anchor and let out more line if anchor is adequately dug in) or stay moored if already moored.  Seek shelter at a nearby dock or marina until the storm passes. If lightning, have all persons get out of the water.
